A bridge saw producing a shower tray as it was a CNC profiling machine was never seen before.
Hi everyone,A long time ago, the first bridge saws consisted basically in a diamond disk cutting slabs of natural stone.
And then came the disk inclination,
motorized rotation of the work bench,
cut-tracing laser,
control panel mounted on a swivelling arm,
sliding front guards,
touch-screen panel,
milling of round pieces,
video graphics,
slab optimization,
mobile keyboard,
milling with 90 degree inclined disk,
twist head with fixed work bench,
strip pick-and-place system with vacuum cups,
drill bit,
piece handling through the vacuum cups,
drill bit used in the automatic mode.
And what’s new now?
See with your own eyes here below!
Something unbelievable for a bridge saw.
It is true that the shower tray is made of limestone, but I’ve never seen a bridge saw working just like a profiling machine before.
This shower tray has been produced by a Breton Smart-Cut 550 bridge saw.
Write to mail@breton.it asking for INFO or quotations: we’ll get back to you promptly.That’s all for now.
Sergio Prior